Wednesday, December 22, 2010

He will wipe every tear from their eyes.....

So I am literally just a few short weeks away from the first AR group. I have four who will be taking this precious journey with our mighty God and I am praying He might send a few more my way before the Bible study begins. I think about and pray for these four women continuously. My prayer is that they will let God have complete control of their lives through this healing process. I know that with Him in control that the healing they receive will be complete and whole and they will be forever free from the bondage of their abortion.

One of these four just recently became a daughter of God by accepting Jesus Christ as her personal Savior, Rescuer and Hero. I look forward to watching her grow, along with the other women, in her relationship with the King.

Revelation 21:4

4 “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

I think about this verse and to me it’s a perfect verse for this Bible study. I remember Jesus there with me as I did the study and I could feel His presence as He dried my tears and comforted me and told me that I would mourn no more. He reminded me over and over that I no longer had to carry this burden. It was His to carry now. Allowing Him to fully carry it was very difficult for me to do because I had held onto to it for so long and lets face it I am a pretty stubborn person and I don’t give in easily. I also felt that giving it all to Him would make me feel guilty and that I would forget about my child but that’s not what happened at all. I think about her daily but now when I think about her it isn’t with sadness, its with gladness. She loves me and I know she is awaiting my arrival to my eternal home. When I think of her now I see a smiling child. I see happiness. My prayer is that each woman by the end of this journey will experience the ultimate power of God’s grace. The amount of healing they receive depends heavily on the role they allow God to take in their healing. An invitation to Him is required. He is a gentleman and will not force His way in.

With all that said I have to close with a great story. If you have read all of my blog then you saw the portion I wrote about the brick. The one that has Rylee’s name and the year she died etched on it. It was on a Sunday a few months ago that Jared was making plans of outside jobs for the day. He mentioned to me that he was going to work on getting her brick laid. We already had discussed where we were going to place it so I gave him the go ahead to work on it. I had actually planned on helping him but that did not go down as planned. I will remember this day for the rest of my life. A few hours had lapsed since he initially told me he was going to try to place her brick in its final destination and if I am being honest I had forgotten in those few hours. I decided I had better go outside to check on him. I walked across the deck and as I walked down the steps I looked down. My breath was taken away as I studied what I was seeing. Jared had completely cleaned out the little area beside the steps that held mulch, dead flowers (that I had killed) and weeds (that I couldn’t kill) and replaced it with fresh dirt from his tilled up garden site. In the corner laid the brick. He mounted the dirt up in the area of the brick just like we had discussed and he planted the brick where it would be flush with the dirt. As Spring gets closer we will plant little girly flowers around her brick and upon Jareds request we will place a little solar landscape light there so that there is light shining there every second of every day.

Yes, Jared is a strong-willed and stubborn 12 year old boy but he has a heart the size of Texas. He didn’t have to take the time to prepare the place for her brick but he did. That’s just who he is and I know his big sister is very proud of him for this selfless act. Thank you baby boy for all you do.

In closing, I ask that you include these four women in your prayer time. Each of them will be going through a series of emotions for the next 10 weeks. Each will be under attack by the enemy. Each will, at some point, want to bail because they will feel that it is just too much to bear. Please pray that each will remember that Jesus will be there to bear it all for them. This will be a very emotionally, mentally and physically draining time in their life BUT spiritually they will be filled. They will know God in a way they have never imagined. They will see Him in a whole new light. They will feel His love like never before. They will fall in love all over again with their Savior, their Rescuer and their Hero. Oh, how He loves them! They are getting ready to see just how much!

Merry Christmas to you all! May 2011 bring you many blessings!

1 comment:

Clay, Christi, Chastity and Cherish said...

AMAZED at what God is doing in and through you my dearest friend! I love you and am praying for you and your dear sisters traveling the journey of healing ahead. Such a beautiful thing. Thanks for sharing from the depths of your heart. May God continue to bless and guide your every step as I will always be cheering you along!