Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Victory And Loss

Things were so crazy last week so I am just now able to share the events of said week. Most of what occurred are crazy amazing while some are heartbreaking. Tuesday March 15th is a day that will forever be imprinted in my mind. It was both a day of victory and a day of sorrow. Before I proceed to tell you about Tuesday let me back up to Monday. Monday is my day to volunteer at the center. While I was still at work I got a call form Hattie telling me of a young woman who called wanting to know if we performed abortions. After visiting with this woman briefly, Hattie was able to convince her to come to the center later that day. Hattie asked if I could meet with this woman. Of course I said yes. I arrived at the center around 4:00 knowing that at 4:30 I would be counseling this young woman. Well, 4:30 turned into 4:45 which turned into 5:00 and still this woman had failed to show up. I sat behind the counter and stared at the appointment book at this woman’s name and phone number. I felt God encouraging me not to give up. I picked up my phone and typed out a short message and sent her a text. I simply said that I was really hoping for a chance to visit with her and asked if I could possibly call her. She replied saying she just couldn’t come for the fear of being judged but that I could call her. I replied and told her, no judging here just love.

I waited until I got home to call her. She had one of the sweetest voices I have ever heard, so scared yet so tender. She told me she can barely support her two year old and didn’t know if she could support a second child as well. There were other reasons discussed but for her protection I will skip sharing those. I told her that we could provide her with the help she needed to address those reasons. She also told me she did not want to see an ultra sound of her baby because she knew if she did abortion would become less of an option. We talked for a while and I shared with her my story and assured her that though she felt she was in a hopeless situation that we had the resources to help her. I was able to gain her trust and as we hung up I explained to her that Hattie would be contacting her the next day and would be offering to set her up with an ultrasound. I asked her to do me a favor and take Hattie up on this offer. She said she would.

Now onto another big part of this crazy week;

I got a message from my “Miracle in March” woman late Monday night. She proceeds to tell me that she is on the phone with a friend who is extremely upset about an appointment she has the next day. Her appointment is for her abortion. Our conversation goes on and eventually I get an ok to contact this friend the next day.

I am able to finally speak with her at the time she is to be walking out the door to leave for her appointment and as I am talking to her I am praying for God to speak my words for me. We talk for a while and thankfully I am able to get her to postpone her abortion. At the same time my “Miracle in March” woman is on her way to the center when I call her and tell her that her friend has possibly postponed her abortion. She immediately turns her car around and goes and picks up her friend and brings her to the center with her. I took early lunch and headed to the center myself. I finally get to meet my “Miracle in March” woman and also get to visit with her friend. Her friend also got to speak with Teia. Teia shared with her how we can help her and that we also have other resources who can help her. We just wanted her to know that what seemed like a hopeless situation to her was in fact not hopeless at all.

Well here is the outcome of both stories;
All three women mentioned above were at the center and all three will have stories to tell.

The first woman whom I was supposed to meet with Monday afternoon and instead spoke with on the phone came into the center that Tuesday and met with Hattie. She not only chose to keep and parent her baby, she also chose a life with Jesus and He is now her Savior. I had the privilege of taking this woman to her ultrasound later that day. What an awesome thing to be a part of as I watched God pour out His joy into this sweet woman’s heart as she saw and heard her baby’s heartbeat for the first time.

My “Miracle in March” mom is marching on. She found out she has been accepted into Nursing School and she is hoping that just maybe God will bless her with a baby girl.

I wish I had better news to share about the third woman but I don’t and I will just leave it at that. I know all involved who counseled this young woman did all God had us to do. She knows that we will continue to be there for her and walk her through the difficulties that her decision will bring.

Before I close, I am happy to share that because of River Valley Abortion Recovery support class there is now another woman who walks in freedom from the regretful choice she made a few years ago. It was really neat to watch as God healed her more and more week after week. God restored her. Her arms are no longer aching for the baby she never held. Her pain and suffering were brought before God and He forgave her, He dried her tears and helped her let go. To God be the glory for the things He has done, is doing, and will continue to do through this ministry.

Preparation is already underway for the next class which will start on May 7th. I still have room for more participants. If you are reading this, and you know you need healing from a past abortion and you know this class is exactly what you need, please contact me and let’s talk. My phone # is 479-462-6826 and my email address is

Until next time......

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